I have been trying to fix the Amiga 2000 with the battery leak shown earlier.  I ended up with two.  The one I thought might be unsalvageabe (I had to replace the socket for the Gary chip too) works fine.  The one pictured not so much.  I get a light grey to dark grey and back flashing screen on Kickstart 1.3 and yellow on KS 3.1 and 2.05.

What to do?  I followed some old trouble shooting guides to no avail and beeped out dozens of motherboard traces.  All fine.  I even swapped out a bunch of parts including Agnus and a few CPUs.

Next I wrote a DiagROM.  A replacement diagnostic ROM available here: http://www.diagrom.com/  Writing Amiga ROMs is not so easy, I have a minipro programmer but a special adapter board is required.  I bought one from GGLabs and soldered my own parts to it.


GGLabs do a flash memory based Amiga ROM replacement too but I have a UV eraser.

The DiagROM booted to a GUI!  Sadly (happily?) the computer passed all the tests. Check it out:

If you use DiagROM throw John some beer money, he has forged a custom tool and is making it available for free.

More to come.